Why Lab-Grown Diamonds Over Mined Diamonds?
It's a huge choice to choose a diamond for your engagement ring. Buying a diamond is a major financial investment for most of us, and we want to do it right. We're here to help you cut through the hype so you can make an informed and rational decision about which diamond is best for you. Pricing The retail price of lab-created diamonds tends to range from one...

HPHT vs CVD Diamonds: What’s the Difference?
Lab-grown diamonds are created using two different processes: high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). HPHT vs CVD diamonds – let’s see the difference between the two methods and their effect on diamond quality. What Are High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Diamonds? Natural diamond crystals were formed deep underground where the conditions of extremely high pressure and high temperature were naturally found. That is why the first...

What Is Lab Grown Diamond?
Lab Grown Diamonds also known as lab-created diamonds, man-made diamonds or synthetic diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds that have been made by people. Just like the natural diamonds that form deep within the Earth, lab-grown diamonds are a crystalline form of carbon with a cubic (isometric) crystal structure. Lab-grown diamonds have chemical, physical, and gemological properties that are the same as natural diamonds. However, the manufacturing processes used to produce...